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KolasAiBot: Intelligent Group Management for Telegram

KolasAiBot leverages advanced artificial intelligence to classify messages, helping you accurately identify questions, language, spam, insults, and more.

Key Features:

  • AI-Powered Moderation: Protect your group from spam, flooding, abuse, and advertising. KolasAiBot automatically warns violators, enforces policies for new users, and supports admin commands for various actions.
  • User Insights: Utilize our analytics dashboard to gain deep insights into your group members’ behaviors and interactions. Perfect for admins, community managers, and group users to stay informed and engaged.
  • Custom Responses and Commands: Create and manage custom responses, admin commands, and chain multiple actions seamlessly.
  • Community Reporting: Empower your members to report inappropriate messages directly to group admins, ensuring a safer and more controlled group environment.

Let KolasAiBot handle the moderation, so you can focus on what truly matters—growing and managing your community.

How work a toxic language detector for Telegram

This workflow how KolasAiBot detects toxic messages (insults, profanity, threats, etc) via Telegram and triggers actions (delete message and ban of user)

  • Telegram Trigger: user sends a message to a chat.
  • KolasAi: analyzes the message and decide which actions need to trigger
    • insult – deletes message and bans user
    • neutral – no any actions

Supported datasets

  • English Insult,
  • Russian Insult.

Supported actions

  • Deleting of insult message,
  • Banning of user – the bot can ban a user for several days or permanently depending on the settings.


Free forever. No credit card.